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Welcome To PepeClause


In a whimsical twist of holiday magic, the internet's favorite frog, Pepe, donned his red suit, fluffy white beard, and a jolly belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly. Meet Pepeclause, the crypto Santa, on a mission to bring joy to the blockchain community this Christmas. His workshop wasn't filled with elves, but with a team of dedicated developers and enthusiasts, working tirelessly to make Pepeclause's crypto vision a reality. Pepeclause wasn't delivering traditional gifts but rather, he aimed to sprinkle financial cheer all around. His promise? With a remarkable entry price of 6% buy tax with 2% Liquidity 2% BUSD Rewards 2% Marketing making you always want to buy more, and when holders sell you will get a massive 7% rewards in BUSD (Binance USD) just in time for the festive season. With every transaction, a 5% marketing fee would ensure that the news of Pepeclause's generosity spread far and wide, making sure he reached every corner of the globe. But that wasn't all! Another 3% was set aside for liquidity, like a trusty sleigh to keep the price floor stable as Pepeclause made his crypto rounds. As the Christmas lights twinkled and carolers sang, Pepeclause was on a crypto adventure, ensuring that not only were stockings filled with joy but also wallets with BUSD. It was a season of merriment, laughter, and blockchain abundance. And, as the clock ticked closer to Christmas, Pepeclause's mission was clear: make it a holiday season to remember in the world of crypto. Ho-ho-hold onto your wallets; Pepeclause is coming to town 2023



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#Pepe-Clause 2023

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Upcoming Plans


Phase 1

 ⁃ Name and idea
⁃ Website launch
- Telegram group made
⁃ Logo
⁃ Contract deployment
-Community building
-Pancake Swap Liquidity added

Phase 2

-Community Competitions
-DEX in Development
⁃ Fair Launch on Pancakeswap
⁃ Pancakeswap Listing
⁃ 5000 holders
- Dextools trending and dexview trending.
⁃ Coinmarketcap & Coingecko listing
-Trendings on the sites mentioned above.

Phase 3

-More Community Giveaways
⁃ 10000 holders
⁃ Staking
⁃ Guerilla marketing
⁃ Billboards
⁃ Buy competitions

Phase 4

⁃ CEX tier 1 top 5 exchange
⁃ Multi-million market capitalization
⁃ Viral marketing campaign
- Review of Taxes to lower them
-Developing more usecases

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Our Team


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Our Team


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© 2023 PepeClause. All Rights Reserved.